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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

What is the most significant lesson of this book? What did Harper Lee want you to walk away with?

The most significant lesson of this book was through a first person narrative; the story dealt with a personal account of the mistreatment of an African American. The feelings I walked away with from reading this book were anger, frustration and disappointment. I did not like how African American’s were blamed for the actions of white men, for example Tom Robinson. I was really angry and also sad about Tom Robinson’s ending but at the same time happy that Bob Ewill got what he deserves. She wanted her readers to accept the belief that all humanity should be equal and not judged by the color of their skin.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 31

What is Scout’s and Arthur’s visit to Jem like?

Scout brought Arthur to Jem’s room. Arthur got closer to Jem’s bed and was looking at him closely and wanting to touch him which made Scout tell Arthur that he can pet him because he is sleeping and it would be fine. Arthur seemed like he never seen a boy before.

When it is time for Arthur to go home, why does Scout say “I would lead him through our house, but I would never lead him home.”? What kind of picture do they make on the way back to his house?

The picture that Jem and Scout never thought it would happen. They would stand by the pole next to his house wondering what he looks like and now he is walking home with Scout.

Why is Scout sad when she drops Arthur back at his house?

She is sad because Boo was their neighbor that gave them soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good luck pennies and their lives. Neighbors give in return but her and Jem took but never put anything back in return.

When Scout stands on the Radley porch, what does she realize?

She realized that standing at Radley’s porch she was able to see the whole town from every single direction. She also realizes that what her father told her was right “ you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them”.

At the end of the chapter, Atticus reads to Scout and Jem. What is the lesson of that story that Atticus explains in his final words? How is it the lesson of this story, too?

The lesson was that u can never judge anyone until you know them in other words he is teaching them that they miss treated Boo Radley and thought he was a scary person where he really is a nice person and if it was not for him Scout and Jem would be dead.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 30

How does Atticus introduce Scout to Arthur “Boo Radley”?

Atticus corrects Scout and says to her it is Mr. Arthur not Boo and he says that Mr. Arthur already knows you.

What does Scout mean that “people have a habit of doing everyday things even under the oddest conditions.”?

She means that life in Maycomb is a routine to everyone and everybody does the same thing they do every day even if there is bad days or Maycomb is going through a hard time.

Why do they go out on the porch to talk?

The Doctor asks them to leave the room. Atticus says that there is more chairs out there then there is inside and it is warm enough. Also the living room lights were awfully strong.

Why does Mr. Tate say that Jem did not stab Bob Ewell? Why does Atticus protest at first?

Mr. Tate said that Jem did not kill Bob Ewell because Bob Ewell killed himself, he fell on the knife. Mr. Tate said that Bob stumbled over a root under the tree and fell on the knife. Atticus protest because he does not want to treat his kids any different than the rest and he does not want people to say that his kids are being protected because their father is a lawyer.

Why does is matter that Heck Tate took the switch blade off of a drunk? Where did the kitchen knife come from?

Because Atticus was thinking that the knife belonged to Jem and he wanted to know where did it exactly come from. The kitchen knife came from a dump.

Who is Heck Tate really protecting? In other words, who really killed Bob Ewell? Why did he do it? Why doesn’t Heck Tate want anyone to know? And why does Atticus let him have his way?

Heck Tate is really protecting Arthur Radley. Arthur Radley was the one who killed Bob Ewell. He did it to protect Atticus’s kids. Heck Tate did not want anyone to know because Arthur Radley was doing Atticus a favor by preventing a crime to happen by Bob killing Atticus’s kids and it would be sin on Heck’s head to put Arthur in jail. He lets him have his way because he realizes that what Heck said was right.

What is Scout’s assessment of the situation at the end of the chapter?

Scout said that she understands what Heck and Atticus said. She also said to Atticus that it would be sort of shooting a mocking bird.

What are Atticus final words to Arthur Radley at the end of the chapter?

Atticus says to Arthur Radley “thank you for my children, Arthur”.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 29

What is Aunt Alexandra’s response to the news?

Aunt Alexandra got up and reached for the mantelpiece. Aunt Alexandra was really upset and she asked them to excuse her while she goes to her room but then she stops and tells them that it was her fault. She blamed herself for it.

How does Heck Tate approach the inquiry into Bob Ewell’s death?

He asks Scout to explain to him everything that happened and if she saw anyone or heard anyone or if she thinks that any of the neighbors was awake to hear or see what happened.

What role does Scout’s costume play in saving her?

It saved her life because Bob Ewell was trying to kill her and taking revenge of Atticus.

Why does Mr. Tate say Bob Ewell would never have met Atticus Finch face to face?

Because Mr. Tate said that Bob Ewell is mean as hell and he is low down skunk with enough liquor in him to make him brave enough to kill children. He would never ever have met Atticus face to face because he was coward and trashy.

Who helped keep Scout and Jem safe from Bob Ewell? What is Scout’s response when she recognizes him?

Boo Radley was the one to keep Scout and Jem safe from Bob Ewell. When Scout recognized him she says “hey Boo”.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 28

When they pass the Radley place, the night is ominous, but a mocking bird sings in the Radley’s tree. What does that symbolize?

It symbolizes that the night was so nice and felt like it was summer time and it was warm for the mocking bird to be out and sing.

Who scares them on the way to the school?

A circle of light burst in their faces and Cecil Jacobs jumped in glee behind it.

What happens to Scout when it is time to make her entrance at the pageant? Why does she keep her costume on when it’s time to go home?

Scout falls asleep and Miss Merriweather kept calling her but Scout would not answer because she fell asleep. She wanted to hide her mortification under it.

What happens to Scout and Jem on the way home?

They were hearing things as they were walking but it stops as they stop. Someone started chasing them. They get attacked by somebody.

Where do they get attacked? Why is it significant?

They get attacked by the oak tree close to the street light. It is significant because they are Atticus kids and people want to take revenge.

What is Scout’s first impression of the man who has helped them?

She said he was some country man that she did not know.

What major news concludes this chapter?

They find Bob Ewell dead under the tree where Scout and Jem got attacked.


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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 27

What three “out of the ordinary” things happen to Maycomb citizens in October? How do they concern the Finch family?

The first thing that happened was that Bob Ewell acquired and lost a job in a matter of days and probably made himself unique in the annals of the nineteen-thirties. He got fired for laziness. The second thing happened to judge Taylor. Judge Taylor was sitting by himself when he hears something at the back of the house, he goes to check what it was, he sees a shadow of a person but did not know who it was. So he went back in sat on the chair and had his gun laying on his lap. The third thing that happened is that Mr. Link Deas gave job to Helen as being his cook. She ran into trouble taking the short way but Mr. Link took care of it and was able to have her take the short way instead of taking the long way. They concern the finch family because people in town are holding grudges against eachother and making the people in town feeling uncomfortable.

What is Aunt Alexandra’s evaluation of these events? What is Atticus response?

Aunt Alexandra says to Atticus that she does not like what is going in town. She says “that man seems to have a permanent running grudge against everybody connected with that case. I know how that kind are about paying off grudges, but I don’t understand why he should harbor one, he had his way in court.” Atticus says “I think I understand, it might be because he knows in his heart that very few people in Maycomb really believed his and Mayella’s yarns.he thought he would be a hero, but all he got for his pain was okay we will convict a negro but get back to your dump. He’s had his fling with about everybody now, so he ought to be satisfied. He will settle down when the weather changes.” Atticus said that he made that peson look like a liar and the rest made him look like a fool.

What is Atticus reply when Cecil Jacob’s asks if he’s a “Radical”?

Atticus told Scout to tell Cecil “I am about as radical as Cotton Tom Heflin”.

What is the national recovery act? How does this help us understand the national context of the book and the timeline?

The national recovery act is I think when Maycomb recovers from everything that happened to it. This helps us understand all the things that happened at that time of life and how things were and how people acted like they are better than other people.

What changes does Maycomb make to how Halloween is organized? Why?

They decided that the high school auditorium is going to be open, there would be a pageant for the grown ups, apple bobbing, taffy pulling, pinning the tail on the donkey for the children. There would be also a prize of twenty five cents for the best Halloween costume created by the wearer. They wanted to make things different in Maycomb and not every year be the same.

Why does Scout have to dress up like a ham for Halloween? What is her costume like?

She dressed up as a ham because Miss Merriweather had composed an original pageant entitled Maycomb county. It was made of chicken wires bent into the shape of a cured ham, then they grabbed a brown cloth and painted it to resemble the original. They left two peep holes in it so Scout can see. the costume looked like a ham with two legs when Scout was wearing it.

At the end of the chapter, Jem escorts Scout to the pageant, and she says “thus began our longest journey together.” What is the tone of this statement?

The tone was that she was disappointed that Atticus and Alexandra were not going to be there and that it is going to be a long walk with her brother.


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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 26

How has Scout’s attitude about the Radley’s changed by the beginning of this chapter?

Scout says that the Radley place had ceased to terrify her, but it was no less gloomy, no less chilly under its great oaks, and no less uninviting. She realized that what they did when they were kids to the Radley’s was a torment because no one would want kids peaking threw the windows or sticking notes with a fishing pole threw the window.

What is public attitude about Atticus? Scout says, “I came to the conclusion that people were just a peculiar, I withdrew from them, and never thought about them until I was forced to.” Then she is “forced to.” What happens?

The attitude was that neither Scout and Jem could help having Atticus as their father, so the kids in town has to be nice to them in spite of Atticus. In school the teacher gave them a project where they have to stand infront of the class and talk about something they want to talk about.

What is Cecil Jacob’s current event report about? When she hears Miss Gates response to Cecil, she is confused, so she tries to ask Atticus about it. What is his reply? She then asks Jem about it. What is his response? How does Atticus try to comfort her?

Cecil Jacob’s report was about “Adolf Hitler”. He was talking about how Adolf Hitler was after the jews and putting them in prisons and taking away their properties and won’t let any of them out of the country and he is washing all the feeble minded. He said Hitler started a program to round up all the half-jews too and he wants to register them in case they might want to cause him any trouble. Scout asks Atticus about what her teacher said but Atticus said to Scout that he could not possibly answer the question because he did not know the answer. Scout asks Atticus if it is okay to hate Hitler and Atticus says no it is not because it is not okay to hate anyone. Jem’s response was that it is not right to persecute people and when Scout started talking about what happened in court that day, Jem get mad and shook Scout and told her that she better stop talking and mentioning the court day. Atticus says to Scout “do not let Jem get you down. He is having a rough time these days.” He also told her that Jem would be himself again after he sorts things out.


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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 25

How did Jem and Dill end up going to Tom Robinson’s house with Atticus? What does Jem tell her about this experience?

They were on the highway when Atticus drove by, they waved at him so he stopped and told them that they can ride with him as long as they stay in the car. He tells her all the stuff he saw and how bad and poor these people live and it was really sad for them to hear about their fathers death.

Why does Maycomb consider Tom’s death “typical”?

It was typical of a nigger to cut and run. It was typical of a nigger’s mentality to have no plan, no thought for the future, just run blind first chance Tom Robinson saw.

What does Mr. Underwood write in his editorial?

Mr. Underwood says that it is a sin to kill cripples, be they standing, sitting, or escaping. He was very bitter and did not care about what people thinks of what he writes.

Jem overhears Miss Stephanie Crawford repeating gossip to Aunt Alexandra. What does she say about Bob Ewell? What does Bob Ewell mean? Why doesn’t Jem want Atticus to know?

She says that Bob Ewell said the it is one down and there is two more to go. Bob Ewell means that that is one more negroe dead. He don’t want Atticus to know because he is scared that Atticus would go after Bob and someone would get hurt.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 24

Scout says that “ladies in bunches always filled me with vague apprehension and a firm desire to be elsewhere, but this feeling was what Aunt Alexandra called being spoiled.” So she attends her Aunt’s missionary society tea. What does she discuss with Mrs. Merriweather there? What is Miss Maudie’s response to Mrs. Merriweather? How does Aunt Alexandra react? Explain.

Miss Merriweather said to Scout “you are a fortunate gir. You live in a Christian home with Christian folks in a Christian town. Out there in J. Grimes Everett’s land there is nothing but sin and squalor.” Scout asks what that meant and Merriweather explains to her that it is something she learned at church and it is to forget and forgive. Merriweather also talks to Scout about Tom Robinson’s case. Miss Maudie says to Merriweather about Tom that his food does not stick going down. Miss Maudie got very angry at Merriweather and said to her that she is sure that Merrriweather knows what Miss Maudie is talking about. Aunt Alexandra gets up and passes more refreshments nicely and neatly and engages Miss Merriweather and Miss Gates in a brisk conversation. When she had well on the road with Mrs. Perkins she stepped bac, she gave Miss Maudie a look of pure gratitude.

Why is Scout confused by the world of ladies? Where does she feel more at home and why?

She was confused because Miss Maudie and Aunt Alexandra were never been especially close and here Aunt Alexandra was thanking Miss Maudie for something. Scout was content to learn that Aunt Alexandra could be pierced sufficiently to feel gratitude for help given. She said that she has no doubt that soon she will enter a world where fragrant ladies rocked slowly, fanned gently and drank cool water. Scout feels more at home with her father. She said people like Mr. Heck Tate did not trap her with innocent questions to make fun of her and even Jem was not highly critical unless Scout says something stupid. She said ladies seemed to live in faint horror of men, seemed unwilling to approve whole heartedly of them.

What happens to Tom Robinson when he goes to the prison camp?

Tom Robinson gives up on hope.

When Atticus goes with Calpurnia to see Helen, what does Aunt Alexandra discuss with Miss Maudie in the kitchen? What new aspect of her character do we see in this moment?

They discuss things about Atticus and how his sister does not approve most of the things he does. They also discuss how people in town let Atticus do what they are scared to do and also how most of the people in town would be happy to hear about Tom Robinson’s death. The new aspect of her character is that she is caring and sensitive and she really does care about Tom and it makes her sad to hear what had happened.

Scout concludes the chapter with the assertion “after all, if Aunty could be a lady at a time like this, so could I.” what has she learned about the role of women in this chapter?

She learned that being a lady is really important and it shows the kind of person you can be and it makes people think of you in a good way and shows manners.




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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 23

What is Atticus response to Bob Ewell’s threat?

Atticus just stood there did not even bother, he took out his handkerchief and wiped his face. And when Bob Ewell asked him if he is too proud to fight, Atticus said no, he is just too old.

Why are the children frightened? What approaches do they take to express this to Atticus? What is his response? What is Aunt Alexandra’s evaluation of the threat? And what is Atticus response to her?

The children are scared that Bob Ewell would have a gun on him and shoot Atticus. They are also scared that if Atticus dies, they will starve and also get raised by their Aunt Alexandra on top of her firing Calpurnia. The approaches the kids took to express the situation to Atticus is by dragging around the neighborhood, not eating and taking little interest in their normal pursuits. Atticus response was smiling and saying to Jem “do what? Put him under a peace bond?” then he also said that Bob meant what he said. Atticus says to Jem “if you can stand in Bob Ewell’s shoes a minute. I destroyed his last shred of credibility at that trial, if he had any to begin with. The man had to have some kind of comeback, his kind always does. So if spitting in my face and threatening me saved Mayella Ewell one extra beating, that is something I will gladly take. He had to take it out on somebodyand I would rather it be me than that houseful of children out there.” Aunt Alexandra walks in the room while Atticus was saying to Jem that they don’t have anything to fear from Bob Ewell and that he got it out of his system, that’s when Alexandra says to Atticus that she would not be so sure of that. She also said his kind would do anything to pay off a grudge and that he would do something furtive. Atticus response to that was that nobody has much chance to be furtive in Maycomb.

Describe Jem’s and Atticus discussion of Tom’s case. What is Atticus evaluation of whites who take advantage of African-Americans?

Jem asked Atticus if Tom Robinson’s family was allowed to visit him and Atticus said no. Jem says to Atticus after hearing him saying that if Tom Robinson loses the second trail, he might end up on the chair, Jem says “it is not right. He did not kill anybody, even if he was guilty, he did not take anybody’s life.” Atticus says that rape is a capital offense in Alabama and Jem says that they could have given him twenty years instead of death sentence. Atticus evaluation was that when it is a white man’s case against black, white always wins. Atticus says to Jem “there is nothing more sickening than a low white man who will take advantage of a Negro’s ignorance.

What facts come out in their discussion of juries?

Jem said to Atticus that there is never juries that is from Maycomb, they all come out from the woods. Atticus tells Jem that woman in Alabama can not serve on a jury. Atticus says that if the jury was all woman than they would interrupt the courtroom and ask a lot of questions. Atticus says “with people like us, that is our share of the bill. We generally get the juries we deserve.” Jem says to Atticus that the jury in Tom’s case, should have not made up their mind fast.

What change of heart do the Cunningham’s have? Why?

The Cunningham’s are good people and they got a good heart and they never ever took anything from anyone.

What argument does Scout get in with Aunt Alexandra over the Cunningham’s?

Alexandra says to Scout that she can not promise her to have the Cunningham kid over and Scout says that they are a good people and her Aunt agrees, but she says that they are not there kind of folks. Aunt Alexandra made Scout feel that her Aunt was there to teach her what people to talk too and who to have for a friend. Scout says that why can’t she be nice to them if they are a nice people but her aunt tells her that she can be friendly and nice but she does not have to invite them over. Aunt Alexandra tells Scout that she can not have or invite a Cunningham to the house. Her aunt also tells her that Walter is trash and she does not want Scout to pick up his habits and be like him.

What does Jem explain to Scout about the four kinds of folks in Maycomb? What is her conclusion?

Jem says to Scout that there is four kinds of folks in the world. There is the ordinary kind like us and the neighbors, there is the kind like the Cunningham’s out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negroes. He also says to her that their kind do not like the Cunningham’s, the Cunningham’s do not like the Ewells and the Ewells hates the colored folks. Scout’s conclusion was that there is one kind of folks and they are all the sameand that she thinks that there is nothing wrong with the Cunningham’s.

What is Jem’s conclusion about Boo Radley at the end of the chapter?

His conclusion was that he understands the reason of Boo Radley satying shut up in his house all the time is because he wants to stay inside.




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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 22

Why does Jem cry? What is Atticus response?

Jem cried because the judges verdict was guilty towards Tom Robinson and he was also upset that all the hard work Atticus did went to waste.

What is Aunt Alexandra’s evaluation of the situation?

Aunt Alexandra asked Atticus if Jem was going to be alright and she said to him that it was not wise of him to have the children at the court to see witness what happened. It was harsh for the kids.

At breakfast, why does Atticus say not to worry yet?

Because he said that there will be an appeal at the court again.

What does the African-American community do to show their thanks to Atticus? What is his response?

They sent Atticus chicken for breakfast and Atticus response was “you tell them I am proud to get it. I bet they have do not have chicken for breakfast at the white house”. They also sent him “rolls”. Then Calpurnia told Atticus to follow her to the kitchen, and when they all went in there they saw the kitchen table loaded with food to bury the family. There was hunks of salt pork, tomatoes, beans, even scuppernongs. Atticus told Calpurnia to tell them that he is very grateful and that they must not do this again, times are hard.

What does Miss Maudie do for Jem, Dill, and Scout? What is her evaluation of Atticus? And of the community?

Miss Maudies makes cake for the three kids and calls them over to eat it. Miss Maudie says to Jem that there is some men in this world who were born to do their unpleasant jobs and his father Atticus is one of them. Miss Maudie said that they are the safest folks in the world. They are so rarely called on to be Christians, but when they are, they got men like Atticus to go for them. She said that the judge chose Atticus for a reason. He chose him because he knew that Atticus could handle it and she also said everyone worked hard for this case because of Atticus and because he is the only one that knows how to keep a jury for a long time. She was saying that the community pulled together and made a step even though it was a baby step.

What danger comes at the end of this chapter?

Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner and spat in his face and told him he will get him even if it takes him the rest of his life.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 21

Why does Calpurnia come to the court?

Calpurnia came to court to see Atticus and hand him an envelope that has nothing to do with the trial.

What deal does Atticus make with Jem about hearing the verdict?

Atticus told Jem that they can come back to court to hear the verdict after they go home and eat and he told Jem that he can wait with them when he gets back.

What is Calpurnia’s reaction about the children being at the court? Aunt Alexandra’s?

Calpurnia was mad at Jem for taking his sister to the trial. She told him that he should be ashamed of himself and that he has no sense at all. Aunt Alexandra almost fainted after she found out where the kids were. Aunt Alexandra was quite the whole time and had a sad look on her face.

What is the courtroom like when they return?

The courtroom was the same way they left it and reverend sykes had kept their seats. The jury box was empty, the defendant was gone.

What is the verdict?

The verdict was that Tom Robinson was guilty.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 20

What does Dolphus Raymond talk to Dill and Scout about? What does he have to say to Scout about Atticus?

Dolphus tells Dill and Scout that all he drinks is coca cola in this brown paper bag and he do not want them to tell anyone on him so his reputation will not get ruined. He said he pretends because some folks do not like the way he lives. Now he could say the hell with them, he do not care if they do not like it. The reason why he pretends is because when people see him drinking they say that is Dolphus and that is the way he is and he will never change his ways. Mr. Raymond says to Scout about her father “you do not know your fathers not a run of the mill man, it will take a few years for that to sink in, you have not seen enough of the world yet.

What’s going on when they return to the courthouse?

Judge Taylor’s cigar was a brown speck in his mouth, Mr. Gilmer was writing on one of the yellow pads on his table. Their father Atticus was halfway through with his speech to the jury. Tom Robinson was playing around with the papers that Atticus took out.

Describe Atticus closing argument. What does he mean that “this case is as simple as black and white”?

He was saying to the juries that this case is really simple and obvious that Tom was taking advantage of and being punished for something he did not do at all. Atticus wanted the juries to take their time and think real good and go through everything that happened in court and see what makes sense the most. He means that the case is one solid color clear and there is no doubt that Tom is innocent and there is no in between in this case.

What “firsts” does Atticus exhibit during his closing?

He unhitched his watch and chain and placed them on the table by the judges permission.  He also unbuttoned his vest, he unbuttoned his collar, loosened his tie, and took off his coat. His other first that he never sweats.

What is Atticus argument about the court and why it is a unique institution in society?

There is one way in this country in which all men are created equal. There is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. He says that institution is a court. It can be any court but in this country courts are the great levelers, and in all courts all men are created equal.

Who enters the court at the end of the chapter?

Calpurnia walks in to the court up to Atticus.



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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 19

Who is Atiicus Finch’s one witness?

Atticus’s witness was Tom Robinson.

What is Tom Robinson like? What is his testimony like?

Tom was twenty five years of age, he was married with three children, he had been in trouble with the law before, he once received thirty days for disorderly conduct. Tom Robinson’s testimony was that the way through mayella’s house was the only way for him to go to and back from work and he did help her the day she called him too but he never raped her or disrespected her.

Why did Tom help Mayella? What does this show about his character? Why does Scout think Mayella must have been “the loneliest person in the world”?

Tom helped Mayella because none of the other children’s in her house would help her and because she did not have any money to pay somebody to do it, so every time she asks for his help, he would gladly do it with no charge. That shows that Tom is a really generous and respecting and loves to help someone that really needs help and it shows that he has a really good heart which made other people take advantage of it. Mayella was as sad as what Jem called a mixed child. White people would not have anything to do with her because she lived among pigs, negroes would not have anything to do with her because she was white.

What is the “subtlety of Tom’s predicament”?

He would not have dared strike a white woman under any circumstances and expect to live long, so he took the first opportunity to run, a sure sign of guilt.

How does Link Deas disrupt the courtroom? Why is the judge upset?

Mr. Link Deas rose from the audience and announced: “I just want the whole lot of u to know one things right now. That boy’s worked for me eight years and I never had a speck of trouble out of him. Not a speck.” The judge was upset because Link Deas interrupted the case and did not speak under oath and did not wait to speak at the proper time which lead the judge to kick Link Deas out of the court.

When Tom Robinson says he felt sorry for Mayella, everyone is displeased with his answer. Why?

Everyone was displeased because he tried to help her and she claimed that he hurt her and done really bad things to her which she should not do and appreciate instead.

Why did Tom Robinson run? What was he scared of?

Tom Robinson ran because Mayella’s father got home by the time the incident was going on, so he got scared and did not want her father to think that he was doing something to her and his answer was “if you were a nigger, you would be scared too”. It was not safe for any nigger to be in a fix like that. He was also scared that he would be arrested and in court.

Why does Scout have to leave the courtroom? Why is Dill upset?

Scout had to leave the courtroom in order to get Dill out of there too. Dill is upset at the way Mr. Gilmer was talking to Tom and kind of disrespecting him and calling him boy all the time and being obvious that he is talking to a black man from the tone and disrespectful way he handled it.

How is Atticus different than other lawyers?

Atticus is much more respectful. His attitude at court is the same as in public. He is polite and respects everyone.

What does Dolphus Raymond say to Dill?

He says to Dill “I know what you mean boy”. Then he peered around the truck and says “you aren’t thin hided, it just makes u sick, doesn’t it?”



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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 18

Mayella Violet Ewell takes the witness stand. What is she like?

She seemed fragile looking, but when she sat facing us in the witness chair she became what she was, a thick-bodied girl accustomed to strenuous labor. Mayella seemed that she was trying to keep herself as clean as she can.

What is Mayella’s testimony like? What is her life like?

Mayella’s testimony was the same as all the others except she added that she called Tom Robinson to do some kind of work for her and she will pay him and then all of a sudden she sees him jumping on top of her and doing what he did. Mayella only knew how to read as much as her father did. Her mother died long time ago and she has seven brothers and sisters. She went to school for only two or three years. They made shoes from tires. They use buckets to get water from the stream. Her life was really poor and poor hygiene.

When Mayella identifies Tom Robinson in open court, he stands up for all to see. What injury becomes apparent that would have prevented him from committing the crime?

His left arm was fully twelve inches shorter than his right arm and hung dead at his side. He got his arm caught in a cotton gin that tore all the muscles loose from his bones.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 17

What is Mr. Gilmer, the solicitor, like?

Mr. Gilmer was not known to them. He was from Abbottsville, they saw him only when court convened, and that rarely, for court was of no special interest. A balding, smooth-faced man, he could have been anywhere between forty and sixty.

Why does Mr. Tate, the sheriff, no longer terrify Scout? What does he testify about?

Because they were all busy about the case and she knew that there is nothing to be terrified of. He testified against Tom Robinson, he said that he went to check on Ewill’s daughter and he found her lying on the floor well beat up and he asked her what happened, she said Tom Robinson raped her.

Scout says that Atticus “could make a rape case as dry as a sermon,” and “our nightmare had gone with daylight, everything would come out all right.” Why does she make this assessment?

She makes the first assessment to tell how calm her father handles things and takes it as easy and slow to be able to get more information and find out if someone if lying or not. She made the other statement telling them that the case is over for the day but it will be much better tomorrow and things should be better and more fair.

Who is Robert E. Lee Ewell? Who is he named after? What is he like? What is his family like? Scout sums him up by saying “all the little man on the witness stand had that made him any better than his nearest neighbors was, that if scrubbed with lye soap in very hot water, his skin was white.” Analyze this assessment of him.

He is one of the people that was in the court and got called to be a witness and be asked questions. He was named after the way his face turns red after his name gets called. He had no resemblance to his name sake. When he stood up a shock of wispy new-washed hair stood up from his forehead, his nose was thin, pointed, and shiny, he had no chin to speak of, it seemed to be part of his crepey neck. People like Ewell’s lived as guests of the county in prosperity as well as in the depths of a depression. They are always in trouble, they only show for one day of school they live around diseases from the filthy surroundings. They lived behind the town garbage town dump. The assessment says that the only thing that was better about that person, that he was white and that directly makes him better because of the problems that was there between blacks and whites.

What is unique about Mayella Ewell’s geraniums?  What does this suggest about her?

They were brilliant red geraniums and they looked as tender as the geraniums that belonged to Miss Maudie.  This suggests that Mayella Ewell had the same passion Miss Maudie had and she loves her garden and loves planting and it tells us from her geraniums.

What does Bob Ewell testify about? What is his testimony like?

Bob Ewell testifies about the night he came home and heard his daughter Mayella screaming and how he ran inside the house and saw Tom Robinson raping her. His testimony was that even if Mayella was not his daughter, she is now because it is too late and her mother died.

What is Atticus point in getting Bob Ewell to write his name?

His point was to show the judge that Bob was left handed and that it could be very possible that he is the one who beat up his daughter Mayella and blame it on Tom Robinson.


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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 12-16

What is the most significant section of this book and why?

The most significant section of this book was Atticus and Tom Robinson’s case. This section of the book showed me the kind of person Atticus is and how he cares about helping other people and putting his life in danger in order to help Tom Robinson because he knows that Tom Robinson is innocent and he wants to do the best he could to get him out of jail even though he knows that his case is going to be a loose. This section made me even more pulled into reading the book and being interested to see what is going to happen next.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 16

What role did Mr. Underwood play in the resolution of the conflict in chapter 15? Why is Atticus surprised?

Mr. Underwood was protecting Atticus threw the window with guns in case someone in the mob tried to hurt him. Atticus was surprised because he did not know or expect anyone to be there but him and the mob people.

What conflict does Atticus have with Aunt Alexandra at the breakfast table? What has changed about his attitude toward her?

Aunt Alexandra tells Atticus that it is a disgrace for the family that the kids sneaked out at the middle of the night, she also keeps telling him not to say anything in front of the kids because they are going to tell everyone and she also tells him not to say anything in front of Calpurnia which is making him upset and starting to get annoyed of the way Alexandra is acting and started to see that she don’t care about anyone but herself. Atticus had changed the way he thinks about his sister and also changed the way and the tone he uses to speak to her.

What does Atticus explain about Mr. Cunningham’s role in the mob? Why does he still consider him a friend?

Atticus explains that Mr. Cunningham is a good man. He also said that he has a blind spot like the rest of them. He explained that Mr. Cunningham was a part of a mob last night but he was still a man. He also says that every mob in a little town is made of people you know. Atticus still considers Mr. Cunningham a friend because in every little town there is a mob and Cunningham was one of them.

Where is everyone going on Monday? What is Miss Maudie’s evaluation of the situation?

Everyone is going to court to see Atticus and Tom Robinson’s case. Miss Maudie said she has no business with going to court. She also said she is not going to watch because it is morbid watching a poor devil on trial for his life.

When Jem, Dill, and Scout go downtown in the afternoon, what is it like?

Downtown was a gala occasion. There was no room at the public hitching rail for another animal, wagons were parked under every tree. The court house square was covered with picnic parties sitting on news papers, washing down biscuit and syrup with warm milk from fruit jars. It was basically way too crowded and white and black were sitting apart from eachother.

Who is Mr. Dolphus Raymond? What does Jem explain about his children? What is the one drop rule about race?

Mr. Dolphus Raymond is a guy who sips whiskey from coca-cola buttles hidden inside a brown paper bag. He lives by himself way down near the county line. He likes to sit with colored people and he has a colored woman and all sorts of mixed chillum. Jem explains that the kids are half white, half black. He also explains that they do not belong anywhere because colored folks won’t have them because they are half white and white folks won’t have them because they are half colored. The one drop rule is that back then whites did not accept colored kids and colored people did not accept white kids.

When they try to enter the courthouse, Scout gets separated from Jem and Dill. She gets stuck next to the “ilders’ club”- who are they and what do they talk about? Why is Scout confused?

They were group of white-shirted, khaki-trousered, suspendered old men who had spent their lives doing nothing and passed their twilight days doing same on pine benches under the live oaks on the square. They started talking about Atticus and how he thinks he knows what he is doing but he don’t. All he knows what to do is read but nothing else. Scout is confused because of what those people said about her father. She did not understand anything.

Who helps Jem and Scout find a seat in the courthouse? Where do they end up sitting?

Reverend Sykes finds them seats and they end up sitting in the balcony where four negroes rose and gave them their front row seats.

What is the courtroom like? The jury? And the judges? Who is the first witness?

The courtroom consisted of colored balcony that ran along three walls of the courtroom. It had long windows. The juries looked like dressed up Cunninghams. The judge was on the bench, looking like a sleepy old shark. He looked amiable, white-haired, slightly ruddy-faced, he was a man who ran his court with an alarming informality. Mr. Heck Tate was the first witness.

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Raghid Atallah

                                                                      Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird                                                                     

Chapter 15

What is Dill’s fate for the summer?

Dill was allowed to stay for the summer after many phone calls and long forgiving letters.

At the beginning of the chapter, Scout says “We had a week of peace together. After that, little, it seemed. A nightmare was upon us.” What do you think is coming?

They had a week of freedom and joy, but afterwards they got into some kind of trouble and I think it has something to do with Boo Radley. They might have done something that could have hurt him.

Mr. Heck Tate comes to visit Atticus. Scout says “In Maycomb, grown men stood outside in the front yard for only two reasons: death and politics.” What is the visit about?

The men came to tell Atticus that Tom Robinson is getting moved to county jail in the morning.

Atticus asks Link Deas, “Do you really think so?” and Scout says this is his “dangerous question.” What does she mean?

Scout means that Atticus is getting more concerned and worried about the case and thinking that it is too late and there is nothing he can do anymore.

Why is Jem upset by this visit? How does the visit end? How does Atticus respond to Jem’s concerns?

Jem thinks that those men were a member of a gang and were coming after Atticus to either kill him or take him away. The phone rang, Jem called Atticus to answer it and Atticus told Jem to pick up the line which made the other guys laugh and laughter broke them apart and the visit was over. Atticus says to Jem that those men were friends and not a gang. He also says that there is no mobs in Maycomb, neither there is gangs.

What does Scout overhear Atticus saying to Aunt Alexandra? Why is she opposed to him taking the case, according to Jem? Why is Jem scared?

Scout hears Atticus saying to Aunt Alexandra “in favor of southern womanhood as much as anybody, but not for preserving polite fiction at the expense of human life.” She is against him because she thinks that Atticus is disgracing the family by defending a black man. Jem is scared that somebody might hurt Atticus.

On Sunday evening, Atticus takes the car out by himself for a peculiar errand. Jem decides to go downtown after dark and has to take along Scout and Dill. Scout says jem has the “look-arrounds,” and Jem says he just has a “feeling.” What happens at the jail.

Atticus was sitting in front of the jail when few cars pulls up and numbers of men get out and ask Atticus about Tom Robinson and also ask Atticus to step aside so they can go in.

On page 173, Atticus asks the “dangerous question” again? Yet, when his children appear, he is afraid. Why? How is this situation different than the one in front of his home?

He was afraid because his kids noticed that the men they saw the night before are not the same men they saw then. The situation was different because these men were much more serious and ready to hurt anyone that stands up to them and Atticus was scared that any of the kids might get hurt.

What does Scout talk to Mr. Cunningham about? Why does this change his attitude?

Scout was telling Mr. Cunningham that entailments are bad and all that, but you said not to worry, it takes along time sometimes that you all would ride it together. It changed his attitude because Scout was polite and she seemed to care about his son and also about her father and did not want him to get hurt.

Why is Atticus tender instead of angry at the end of the chapter?

Atticus was tender because everything turned out to be fine and no one got hurt and also was happy for having people in his life that loves him. He feels blessed.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 14

Why are people talking about Jem and Scout behind their backs?

Because they are the finch’s and they are Atticus’s kids so the people are talking about them and calling them “There’s his chillun” or “Yonder’s some finches”.

What happens when Scout asks Atticus what rape is?

Atticus looks around from behind his paper, he sighed and said rape was carnal knowledge of a female by force and without consent. He got upset that Calpurnia told Scout about the case Atticus is taking charge of.

Why is Aunt Alexandra so angry about Scout associating with Calpurnia? What is Atticus response?

Aunt Alexandra was telling Atticus that he was letting things go for too long and she is upset because Calpurnia is the one that raising the kids and not Atticus or her. She wants to raise the kids the way she wants and she do not want a black woman in the same house with white people. Atticus response was “Calpurnia not leaving this house until she wants to. You may think other-wise, but I could not have got along without her all these years. She is a faithful member of this family and you will simply have to accept things the way they are. Besides, sister, I do not want you working your head off for us, you have no reason to do that. We still need Cal as much as we ever did. Besides, I do not think the children have suffered one bit from her having brought them up. If anything, she has been harder on them in some ways then a mother would have been… she’s never indulged them the way most colored nurses do. She tried to bring them up according to her lights, and Cal’s lights are pretty good and another thing, the children lover”.

When Jem and Scout go off to talk after Atticus and Alexandra fight, what happens between them? Why do they end up united at the end?

Jem talks to scout and explains things to her and tells her to stop antagonizing her aunt because their dad has other things to worry about, but Scout do not listen to what he says and they start fighting and punching and pinching and gouging each other and what was a fight turned into a brawl. They hear Aunt Alexandra saying to Atticus “just one of the things I have been telling you about” and that’s the phrase that united them again.

What do they find under Scout’s bed that night?

As Scout passed the bed she steps on something warm, resilient, and rather smooth. It was not quite like hard rubber, and she had the sensation that it was alive. She also heard it move. Scout and Jem finds Dill under Scout’s bed.

What do Dill and Scout talk about at the end of the chapter? What is her final question? And his response?

Dill and Scout talks about the reason Dill escaped and Dill explained her that his parents did not need him, he felt that he was not loved and needed by his parents because they would buy him everything he needs and tells him to go to his room and either play with the toys or read his book and that they would never let him stay in the bed room with them to spend them with them. Scouts final question to Dill was “why do you reckon Boo Radley’s never run off?” and Dills response was “maybe he does not have anywhere to run off to….”

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 13

Why does Aunt Alexandra come to stay with them? Atticus explains that she has come because “I can’t stay here all day with you, and the summer’s going to be a hot one.” What is the double meaning behind that statement?

She came to stay with them because her and Atticus decided that it would be good for Scout to have some feminine influence. Atticus means that his case is getting more serious and his work is getting double the amount and he is going to be spending long days working on the case and it is going to be a fight for him to try to get Tom Robinson out of the charge as not guilty. The other meaning is that he has to make most of his living in the summer and get ready for the winter.

What is Aunt Alexandra’s theory about what maked people “fine”? What are the problems with this theory?

Aunt Alexandra’s theory about fine was that the longer a family had been squatting on one patch of the land the finer it was. The problems are that the Ewells had thrived on county welfare money for three generations. Maycomb was an ancient town. It was twenty miles east of Finch’s landing, awkwardly inland for such an old town.

How does it go against what Jem and Scout have been taught? What are the truths behind this theory?

It goes against what they have been taught because they are taught that the Ewells are the trash of Maycomb and they are a lot of trouble in town. The truth is Maycomb was spared the grubbiness that distinguished most Alabama towns its size.

How do Jem and Scout get along with Aunt Alexandra? What does their father try to talk to them about at the end of the chapter? Why does he change his mind in the middle of the conversation? What does Scout mean “I know now what he was trying to do, but Atticus was only a man. It takes a woman to do that kind of work.”?

She never fitted their world. She would only have a little to say to them. They would only see her at meal times and at night before they went to bed. Atticus tells them that they are not from run-of-the-mill people, that they are the product of several generations gentle breeding and that you should try to live up to your name. He tells them that their Aunt asked him to tell them that they must try to behave like the little lady and gentleman they are. Atticus changes his mind because he does not want to turn like cousin Joshua and cost the family five hundred dollars. Scout means by what she said, that Atticus was trying to play the mother figure but only a mother or a woman can do that and succeed and also that he was trying to have his sister telling him to be more strict to them but he could not do it and he wanted them to be the people they are.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 12

What is happening to Jem this summer?

Jem was growing and the people around him need to understand and give him space. He is off to himself a lot. He would do whatever he wants too.

Why doesn’t Dill come this summer? What is Scout’s response?

Dill did not show up this summer because he sent Scout a letter saying he has a new father and a snapshot from him. He had to stay in Meridian because him and his new father has to build a fishing boat. Scout’s response was that the fact that she had a permanent fiancé was little compensation for his absence. With him life was routine; without him, life was unbearable.

How is Atticus depicted in the cartoon in the Montgomery Advertiser?

It showed Atticus barefooted and in short pants, chained to a desk: he was diligently writing on a slate while some frivolous-looking girls yelled, “Yoo-hoo!” at him.

While Atticus is away at the legislative session, Calpurnia is afraid to send Jem and Scout to their own white church without supervision. So, she decides to take them to her church, First Purchase African M.E. Church, instead. What is her church like?

It was an ancient paint-peeled frame building, the only church in Maycomb with a steeple and bell, called First Purchase because it was paid for from the first earnings of freed slaves. Negroes worshiped in it on Sundays and white men gambled in it on weekdays. The churchyard was brick hard-clay.

What happens when Jem and Scout attend church with Calpornia? What new insights do they learn about the African-American community and their own family (give at least two examples)?

The men stepped back and took off their hats, the women crossed their arms at their waists. They were not welcomed by one of the ladies in church and they got called white chillun. They learned that the African-American community pull together in the time of need. For example Reverend Sykes closed the church and made everyone come up with money to reach the goal and also welcomed Jem and Scout and made them feel one of them.

In this chapter, we find out who has accused Tom Robinson, and what his supposed crime is? Who are the Ewells?

Old MR. Bob Ewell accused Tom Robinson of rapin his girl and had him arrested and put in jail. Ewell’s are the people that show up the first day of school and then go home. Ewell’s are the absolute trash of Maycomb.

How did Calpurnia learn to read? How did she teach her son Zeebo? What does Calpurnia explain to Scout and Jem about how to use language?

Miss Maudie Atkinson’s aunt, old Miss Bufford taught Calpurnia how to read. Calpurnia made Zeebo get a page of the Bible every day, and there was a book that Miss Buford taught her, she used it to teach Zeebo. Calpurnia says to Scout and Jem that if they talk colored folks talk at home it would be out of place and if she talk white folks talk in her church and with her neighbors then they would think she is putting on airs to beat moses.

Who appears on the porch at the end of the chapter?

Jem and Scout look down the street. Enarmored , upright, uncompromising, Aunt Alexandra was sitting in a rocking chair exactly as if she had sat there every day of her life.


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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 7-11

What was the most significant event in this section of the book? Why?

The most significant event in the book was Mrs. Maudie and the fire in the neighborhood. That section of the book showed me and made me learn the kind of person Mrs. Maudie is. She is generous, she is giving and she loves the kids in her neighborhood and loves her garden more than anything. The fire hit the neighborhood pretty bad, but it also got everybody together and closer and it showed how they really care about each other and work as a team for others safety. Mrs. Maudie lost her house in the fire, but she did not care and said that she will get a smaller house as long as she gets her garden. Same thing with the finch’s family their house was on fire too, but they also were acceptable of what happened and they all pulled together and became a family and more of a friends in the time of need.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 11:

Who is Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose? How does she treat Jem and Scout? What does she say about their mother that makes Jem so furious? What is Atticus advice on how to deal with her?

Mrs. Henry was another lady that lived in town and that Jem and Scout had to walk by her house everyday otherwise they have to end up walking a mile to get to their house. Scout had some problems with her which made them not talk anymore. She treats Jem and Scout badly, she yells at them, she calls them names and she does not respect them. She was vicious. Mrs. Henry would tell the kids that it is a shame their father did not get remarried when their mother died, she would say things to hurt the kids feelings and remarks in a way saying that their father Atticus should have married again because she says that she is better than their mother. Atticus advised the kids that she is an old lady and she is ill and to just hold their heads high and whatever she says act like you are not mad.

What does she say about Atticus when the children are not around? What does Jem do as a result? How does Atticus punish him?

Mrs. Henry says that Atticus is not any better than the niggers he works with and help and he is as trashy as they are, which made Jem forget his father’s words and get mad. He grabbed his sister’s baton and ran flailing wildly up the steps into Mrs. Dubose’s front yard and cut the tops off every camellia bush Mrs. Dubose owned, until the ground was littered with green buds and leaves. Afterwards he threatened his sister that he would pull her hair out if she did not shut up. His sister did not shut up so he kicked her and made her fall on her face. Atticus punishment towards Jem was sending him out in the middle of the night to go talk to Mrs. Dubose and apologize to her.

This chapter marks the first time that Atticus directly discusses Tom Robinson’s case with Scout. What does he say? What does this show about his character?

Atticus says that Tom Robinson’s case is something that goes to essence of a man’s conscience and that he could not go to church and worship God if he did not help that man. Atticus’s character shows that he is very religious and he believes in God and that he wants to do whatever he can to help who is in need so he can feel better about going to church and worshipping God.

What do the children learn about Mrs. Dubose when Jem goes to read to her?

They learned that Atticus was right when he told them she is sick. They did not believe him at first but they got to see it all when they got to her house. Her house was filthy, everything was dirty, she was dirty looked like she do not shower and they saw how sick she was and how she spits a lot and almost go into a coma when her medicine time comes and not take it. She was dozing off and could not pay attention. They learned that even she is sick on her death bed, she can still be mean and grumpy.

In this chapter, Scout asks Atticus what “nigger-lover” means. What is his reaction? What is his answer?

When Scout asked Atticus what “nigger-lover” means, his face was grave. Atticus said “nigger-lover” is just one of those terms that do not mean anything like snot-nose. He was explaining a lot of other things to her, but his reaction was calm and he did not even care that he got called that and it did not even bother him. Afterwards Scout asked Atticus if he was a “nigger-lover” and Atticus’s answer was “I certainly am. I do my best to love everybody… I am hard put, sometimes baby­­, it is never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. it just shows you how poor that person is, it does not hurt you. So do not let Mrs. Dubose get you down. She has enough troubles of her own.”

When Mrs. Dubose dies, what does Atticus explain to Jem? Why does Atticus admire her?

Mrs. Dubose dies one evening while Atticus was reading one column in the newspaper and got a phone call and had to leave. Atticus explained to Jem that Mrs. Dubose was sick and was suffering for a long time. Atticus explains Mrs. Dubose condition to Jem deeper and tells him that Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict, she took it as a pain killer for years. Atticus admires Mrs. Dubose because she wanted to leave the world with nothing. He admires her because she was the bravest person he had ever know and because she showed the meaning of being brave by thinking with your brain and not muscles and guns and she enjoyed her life to the last minute.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 10:

What is ironic about Scout’s statement that Atticus never did “anything that could possibly arouse the admiration of anyone”?

She was talking about how her father never did anything with his kids, never played with them or when they do something he starts complaining how old he is and how tired he is when all he do is sit in an office and never really do any hard work while other people in town go out fishing or they farm or just do other things and never complain. What is ironic is that Scout wish her father would do other stuff besides just sitting home in the living room reading, in other words she wishes she had a different father.

Who teaches Jem and Scout to shoot? What is Atticus advice about shooting birds? What does Miss Maudie say about his guidance? What does Miss Maudie say about Atticus skills? And Calpurnia?

Their Uncle Jack was the one to show them how to shoot because their father Atticus was not interested in guns. Atticus said it is a sin to shoot a mocking because they do nice music for us people to enjoy, they do not eat people’s gardens, they do not nest in corn cribs, they only sing their hearts out for us to enjoy. So that’s y Atticus said it is a sin to kill a mocking bird. Miss Maudie says to Scout that she should be proud of her father and that there is not a lot like him out there. Miss Maudie said to Scout that Atticus is the best checker player in town and he also knows how to play a jew’s harp. Atticus was also the the deadest shot in Maycomb county in his time. Calpurnia was the mother figure and she just was able to have everything under control.

What happens with the rabid dog? What do the children learn about Atticus? What is Jem’s response to Scout at the end of the chapter?

Jem finds the dog acting weird so he knows that the dog is sick. The dog was hunched and twitching. The dog was walking lopsided like his legs were taller than his arms. The dog was walking dazedly. Atticus shoots the dog. The dog leaped, flopped over and crumpled on the side walk in a brown and white heap. The children learn that Atticus finch was the deadest shot in Maycomb County in his time and he had a nick name when he was younger and he goes by OL’ One-shot. They also learned that he never used to miss any shots when he used to go dove hunting. They learn that their father is civilized in his heart, he got a gift from god. They realized that their father put his gun down because he only had to use when he had too and that day he had to shoot to kill the dog. Jem said to Scout that if Atticus was proud of his shooting skills then he would have told the kids but he thinks that Atticus is not proud of it and he says to Scout at the end that Atticus is just a gentleman like him.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 9:

The word “nigger” is used throughout the book, as is appropriate to represent prejudiced attitudes of the time period. In chapter 9, Scout finally uses this language in front of Atticus. Why does she say it? What is his response? What does he explain to her about the case he has taken on and its potential repercussions? As a result of his advice, what does she do to Cecil Jacobs?

She said the word “nigger” because she heard at school from Cecil Jacobs that Scout’s father Atticus used to defend “niggers” so she wanted to ask her father and understand from him and know if it is true. Atticus tells Scout not to use the word “nigger” because it is common, her response was “everybody at school does” Atticus replies “from now on it will be everybody less one”. Atticus says to Scout “I am simply defending a negro his name is Tom Robinson. He lives in that little settlement beyond the town dump, he is a member of Calpurnia’s church, and Cal knows his family well. She says they are clean living folks. Scout, you are not old enough to understand some things yet, but there’s been some high talk around town to the effect that I should not do much about defending this man. It is a peculiar case it won’t come to trial until summer session. John Taylor was kind enough to give us a postponement…” Then he says there is number of reasons he have to defend this man because if he does not win the trial he will feel ashamed and not be able to walk around town with his head up high and he would not be the hero to himself and his kids and he would not be able to ask his kids to mind him again. So this trial to him is very important and it also is his dignity and pride. When Scout met Cecil Jacobs at school she drew a bead on him and was about to punch him, but then she remembered what her father said to her and dropped her fists down and just walked away.

How does the Finch family spend Christmas? What do Scout and Jem receive as presents?

The finch family spend Christmas with their relatives and sit around talk and enjoy their food. Scout and Jem  gets what they ask for for Christmas. They get air rifles and they start pointing them around the house to play with them and Jem also got a chemistry set.

When is the only time Scout has ever heard Atticus speak sharply to anyone? What is the implication of this to uncle jack about the situation?

The only times Scout hears Atticus speak sharply is when she once heard him say, “Sister, I do the best I can with them!” it had something to do with my going around in overalls. Uncle Jack’s implication was getting mad at the kids for doing what they did and he yelled at Scout and told her that she would get in trouble if he hears her using that language again. Scout said to Uncle Jack that she is not going to talk to him ever again and she hope he dies and that got to him real bad.

What does Scout overhear Atticus and Uncle Jack talking about? When Uncle Jack makes reference to “let this cup pass from you,” what is he talking about? Why does Atticus want Scout to hear their conversation?

Scout hears Uncle Jack telling Atticus that he is never going to get married because Scout told him that he does not know anything about children and he does not know how to listen to them fairly and deal with them fairly. She heard him telling Atticus how he feels bad for treating her bad and not listening to her side of the story while he should have before he acted. What Uncle Jack means is that Atticus always defended black people so they felt comfortable towards him and trusted him, therefor that is why Tom Robinson pointed at Atticus and asked him to handle the case. Atticus wanted Scout to listen to him and Jack because he wanted her to know and understand that he wants her and Jem to come to him for any questions and not just go around and listen and believe what people in Maycomb are saying about him.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 8:

What happens to the weather in this chapter?

Autumn turned into winter that year. They had two weeks of the coldest weather since 1885. It was snowing

What is Jem’s snowman like?

Jem’s snowman looked like MR Avery. He put on it all the features that look like MR Avery and at the end he added the stickwood and made it seem like it was about to speak.

What emergency takes place? What does Boo radley do to help Scout? Why does this prompt Jem to tell their secrets to Atticus?

They see fire spewing from Miss Maudie’s dinning room windows. Atticus tells the kids to go stand in front of the radley place and stay out of the way and see which was the wind was blowing. Fire spread through other houses in the neighborhood. Boo radley helped Scout out by putting a blanket on her when she was freezing cold, she did not even notice it because she was too busy looking at the fire. He told their secrets to atticus because he felt comfortable wn felt guilty at the same time.

What is Miss Maudies’s response to the loss of her home? What does this show about her character?

Miss Maudie’s response was that she can have a smaller house with a bigger garden and it would be the best and nicest garden in Alabama. She do not need a big house. She only cares about having a little house with a nice garden so she can do what she loves most. This shows that she is acceptable with what God brings and she would live any kind of life she gets as long as she has her house and her nice garden.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 7:

What does Jem tell Scout about the night at Boo radley’s that he hadn’t told her before?

Jem told Scout “when I went back for my breeches, they were all in a tangle when I was getting out of them, I could not get them loose. When I went back they were folded across the fence, like they were expecting me”. He showed Scout his pants, they were sewed up not like a lady sewed them, they were sewed all crooked. Jem said it is like they knew he was coming back and they can read his mind.

What appears in the knothole in this chapter? Why are Jem and Scout puzzled by the items that appear here? Where do they think they might come from?

In its knothole rested a ball of gray twine. Few days later they found another knothole with something white inside, so they took it. They pulled out two small images carved in a soap. One was the figure of a boy, the other was a crude dress. They are puzzled by the items that appear here because they found out that the boy and the girl figures on the soap looks exactly like them, so they knew that it was them and there figures were carved there. They think they came from MR Avery because he likes carving and he averages a stick of stove wood per week and he hones it down to a toothpick and chews it.

What happens to the tree? Why does Jem cry over it?

Jem and Scout finds cement in the tree knothole, they wonder why until MR Radley tells them that the tree is dying and that is a way to meditate the tree and help it from dying. Jem cries over it because he was finding all that cool stuff and because he is in love with that tree that he did not want it to actually die and he was hoping that it will stay alive so he can walk by it everyday and find gifts.

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What is the most significant event in this book? Why?

The most significant event in this book is Boo radley and how those three kids think that he is a monster but he is actually just as human as they are and also the fact that they would not leave him alone and they want to find out who he is and how he looks like and they also want to get to know him and they want to have him come out of his house. The reason why is because they want to get closer to him and try to help him out and have him communicate with the rest of the people in the neighborhood.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 5:

Who is Miss Maudie Atkinson? What is she like? Why does Scout grow closer to her?

Miss Maudie Atkinson was a lady in the neighborhood, but a relatively benign presence. She would let the kids play on her lawn, eat her scuppernongs. Miss Maudie hated her house: time spent inside was time wasted. She was a widow, a chameleon lady who worked in the flower beds in an old straw hat and men’s overalls, but after her five o’clock bath she would appear on the porch and reign over the street in magisterial beauty. She loved everything that grew in God’s earth, even the weeds. Scout grows closer to Miss Maudie Atkinson because of Dill and Jem’s behavior and because of Miss Maudie’s generosity that made Scout get more and more close to her neighbor.

What does Miss Maudie tell Scout about “Boo” radley?

She tells Scout that his name is Arthur and that he is still alive. She also told her that she knows he is still alive because she have not seen him carried out yet. She tells her that Arthur radley likes to stay indoors.

What does Jem decide to do to communicate with Boo radley in this chapter? What is the result?

Jem decide to give Boo radley a note. Jem was going to put the note on the end of a fishing pole and stick it through the shutters. Jem was struggling tp place the note on the window, he kept on trying and trying but it would not work. Then he hears the dinner bell ring. They saw Atticus. Jem walked away dragging the pole behind him. Atticus catches the kids in action, reads the letter and talks to them about it. They also get told by Atticus to leave MR radley alone and stop tormenting him.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 6:

What do Jem and Dill decide to do on Dill’s last night in Maycomb? What happens as they try to escape trouble?

Jem and Dill decides to go to Boo Radley’s house to look through the windows and see what Boo Radley look like and if he is really a monster like they think he is. One day the do what they were planning for but things do not go as smoothly and at the same time they could not see anything because the curtains were shot but they saw a shadow of a tall man with a hat on and that’s when they try to escape and Jems pants get caught on the fence and he struggles to escape and that’s when Nathon Radley comes out and shoots the gun in the air and scares the kids.

Even though the adventure was Jem’s idea , afterward he says to his sister: “we shouldn’t done that tonight, scout.” She then narrates “it was the, I suppose, that Jem and I first began to part company.” Why is this adventure and its aftermath a defining moment in their relationship?

Because they were starting to grow up and realizing that it is not them anymore and that they do not want to keep creating trouble and doing things they are going to regret afterwards and that somebody could have really got hurt. It drew them closer and made them think about things more.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 4:

What does Scout find in the tree knot at the Radley place? What does Jem find and what do they decide to do with it?

Scout found some tinfoil sticking in a knot-hole just above her eye level, winking at her in the afternoon sun. she reached into the hole and withdrew two pieces of chewing gum minus their outer wrappers. Jem found another piece of tinfoil hanging from the tree so he reached and grabbed it. He opened it and he found two really old pennies. He decides to keep them till the school starts again and then he will go around asking if they belong to someone.

What is the result of the argument about the “hot steam”?

The result was no one believing what Jem was saying and Scout said that her maid Calpurnia said it is all nigger talk.

What game does Jem make up for him and Scout and Dill to play? What happens to their game as the summer goes along? Why does Scout want to quit the game (name two reasons)?

Jem decides to play a game called “Boo Radley” where Scout plays Mrs. Radley, Dill plays old Mr. Radley and Jem was Boo. As the summer goes along their game progressed and they polished it and perfected it, they added a dialogue and plot until they manufactured a small play upon which they rang changes everyday. Scout wants to quit the game because she was not into the character that they gave her and because her father found out what they were doing and the reasons is her fathers arrival to the scene where they were cutting magazines with the scissors and also her father knowing what was going on.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 3:

Why do they have Walter Cunningham home for lunch? What is Scout’s mistake at lunch? Why does she have to eat in the kitchen?

They invite Walter Cunningham for lunch because they know his situation and that he is poor and can not afford buying food but at the same time they are not doing it out of petty, they are just doing it to make him feel that he is one of them. Walter debates going at first because he knows that he cant return the favor but afterwards he accepts the invitation and shows up. Scouts mistake at lunch is not showing Walter or making him feel that he is welcomed for lunch and she treats him badly. She ends up eating in the kitchen because she gets yelled at by her maid Calpurnia for not being inviting and for being mean to Walter for no reason.

Who is Burris Ewell? What happens between him and Miss Caroline?

Burris Ewell is one of the Ewell family in town that gets into a lot of trouble and the school principal puts in program with school so they wont have to end up in jail. Ewells only show up for one day of school and skip the rest of the year. Burris Ewell and Miss Caroline gets into an argument because he told her that he is done for the year and explains the reason but she wont let him leave and tells him to sit down and tells him that he can not miss school and he have to show up everyday, but then she learns that all the Ewells are like that and that she have to write them down as an absent for the rest of the year.

Why doesn’t Scout want to go back to school? Why does Atticus advice her “first of all, if you can learn a simply trick, Scout, you’ll get along better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view-until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”?

Scout does not want to go back to school because the teacher told her that she does not want Scouts father to teach anymore because the teacher think that Scouts father does not know how to teach and that hurt Scout because she enjoys her fathers company and she enjoys studying with her father, so she decided that she does not want to go to school anymore so she can do with her father what she always does. Atticus advices Scout that she can not judge a person without really knowing that person first and she can not get mad at her teacher for telling her not to study with her father anymore because the teacher want to teach Scout in her own way and she does not want Scout to be much more educated then the rest of her classmates, and to think about how the teacher think and feels about that.

What deal do Atticus and Scout make about reading at the end of this chapter?

Atticus and Scout makes a deal that they can still read but Scout have to go back to school and also has to keep their deal as a secret and no one knows about it so Scout wont get kicked out of school and her father Atticus wont get in trouble and lose his job.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee To Kill A Mocking Bird

Chapter 2:

Who is Caroline Fisher? What does she mean when she tells Scout that she’ll “try to undo the damage”? How does she make Scout feel about reading?

Caroline fisher is a young school teacher, the age of 21 that is teaching a bunch of kids in school that she really does not know anything about. Caroline fisher means by saying that she will try to undo the damage is that she does not want Scout’s father to read for her and help her with her studying especially because there is kids in the class that do not know how to read and Scout is the only one that knows how to and that is because of her father and to Caroline she feels that her father is not doing a good job where he actually really is. She makes scout think about not going to school because her and her father can not read anymore or she will get in trouble and Scout does not want this bond between her and her father to stop.

What is the Dewey Decimal system? What does Jem tell scout it is?

The Dewey Decimal system was part of miss Caroline teaching her students and it was cards with words typed on them and she would wave them silently. Jem tells Scout it is a new way of teaching that miss Caroline learned in college and she is going to teach her students. He tells Scout that pretty soon they would not have to learn anything out of books, they will learn about it from Miss Caroline and go practice it.

Who are the Cunninghams? What does Atticus explain to Scout about poverty?

The Cunninghams are a family that are poor but proud and they are givers at the same time even though they do not have the money to give but they got the things they produce from their farms. Atticus explains to Scout about poverty that those people don’t have the money to buy food but that does not make those people want anyone’s help. They never accept anyone’s invitation because they know that they have to return the favor and they cant. But somehow they still return the favor by giving whatever they have and can give away.

Why does Miss Caroline whip Scout?

Miss Caroline whip Scout because Scout was trying to help Miss Caroline out by telling her about the students in the class since Miss Caroline is new to the school and the town, but Miss Caroline was fed up by Scouts nosiness and tells Scout that she does not need her help and calls her and tells her to open her hand and whips her.

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Raghid Atallah

Harper Lee discussion question chapters 1 to 6

Chapter 1:

When was the book written?

The book was written in the 1930’s during the great depression in Alabama.

When is this book set?

The book was set in 1933.

Why is an understanding of the time period important to the reading?

It is important because of the segregation of the black people at the time and point of life.

What is a mocking bird?

Mocking bird is type of a bird that sings and has its beautiful tunes and this bird came from Canada and traveled to the south and since this book takes place in the south then I think that is where this book got its name from.

What is it best known for?

It is known for its beautiful tunes and calming and soothing noise.

Why do u think the author begins with such a long history of the finch family and the setting?

I think the author begins with such a long history of the finch family and the setting is to tell people and introduce them to the finch’s and explain to them that they were one of the best families back then in Maycomb, Alabama and they were the only family that had education and knew how to read and they had a comfortable living were other families in that town were poor and also because the author was one of the main actors in the book.

What happened the summer that the narrators older brother Jem was 13?why do u think she starts with that information?

Jem was badly injured, he had his arm broken at the elbow which made his left arm somewhat shorter than his right arm. I think she starts with that information to tell what kind of person jem is and also to tell us about the other families in the book and how they sometimes can be a bad influence on someone else. She was explaining how things can turn out to be when u care about what other people think or care and not think about actions and what might happen.

What does this tell us about the setting of the novel?

It tells us about segregation and how black and white used to be treated differently and how they were not allowed to be shown in the same place together and there was a lot of racism back then and all what the government was trying to do is treating these people as an equal individual but they were failing to attempt.

Who is in the household? What are they like?

In the house hold is Atticus finch which is the father and the lawyer, Jem, scout, Calpurnia which is the maid, mother figure and she was African American. There is also dill and the Radley family and also uncle jack and Aunt Alexandra. They are different people in the town that has their own personalities and features and they are all friends that help each other in the need. There is some that are farmers, some that are lawyers and some that are givers.

Who is dill? What is he like?

Dill is Miss Rachel’s nephew. He comes to visit in the summer time. He is one of the main characters in the book where he shows us that he has no fear and he is always curious to explore things and has the curiousity to know more about the radley’s house. Dill is jem’s friend and they always do things together and he only show up at summer time. He is risk taker and also likes to have fun and live life to its fullest.

What is the radley place? Who do people think lives there? What happened to the radley family? Who is boo radley?

The radley place is a house in town that is really old and scary looking. It consists of fencing around the house and a long porch that goes around the whole house. People in town think that there is a 6 foot monster lives in that house which making the kids in town live in fear and have the curiosity of wanting to find out who the monster is. The radley family was treated bad in town and they just wanted to stay inside and not communicate with anyone in town. Boo radley is the guy that lives in the house and that all the kids in town fear.




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The first time I read a book was in my high school at my hometown Lebanon. I did not think that I would ever enjoy reading but then I found out that it is fun as long as I understand what is going on. My other first book I read was in college that I am recently at and I loved that book because it was interesting and fun to read. I am looking forward to read the second book I am assigned for and I am hoping that I would understand it and like it the same way I liked the first one. So yes I only read two or three books but I am not ashamed because I know that I will make it up.

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I think that the book is going to be talking about great depression and poverty. It also going to be talking about how different things were long time ago and how years and years later everything changed and technology started rising. People back then did not even know how to read ,but after they learned, they started loving reading same as the girl in the book and also harper lee. The book talks about how hard times were back then and how bad people used to suffer to survive and make living and the amount of people that were on unemployment. After all I think the book is going to be interesting.

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